Non-Profit DirectorProfilesScreenwriterUnited States Judy Nogg, 60s, Story Analyst & Nonprofit Director What is your name, age, and location? Judy Nogg, 63, Boulder, Colorado. What is your…EveApril 5, 2012
(Expat)ArtistProfilesSpainTeacherUnited States Julia Rice, Artist & Teacher: Igniting Social Change through Art From the archives: this interview originally appeared on the site on June 16th 2010. What…elenaApril 2, 2012
*Popular*ConsultantEntrepreneurNorth AmericaProfilesUnited StatesWriter Erica Dhawan, Entrepreneur, Writer, Speaker & Consultant What is your name and location? Erica Dhawan, Boston, MA – United States. What is…elenaMarch 15, 2012
ProfilesTeacherUnited StatesWriter Aimee Bender, 40s, Writer & Professor From the archives: this interview originally appeared on the site on July 23rd, 2010. What…EveMarch 3, 2012
Non-Profit DirectorProfilesUnited States Susannah Wellford Shakow, 40s, Non-Profit Director From the archives: this interview originally appeared on the site on June 4th, 2010. What…elenaFebruary 24, 2012
EntrepreneurInvestorNorth AmericaProfilesTech EntrepreneurUnited States 100th Interview Special: The Founders of Women Innovate Mobile (WIM) Accelerator In order to celebrate our 100th interview milestone, I hereby present you a special triple-feature…elenaFebruary 16, 2012
ProfilesResearcherScholarUnited States Danah Boyd, 30s, Social Media Researcher From the archives: an interview with social media researcher Danah Boyd, originally published in May…haleyFebruary 6, 2012
CEOEntrepreneurNorth AmericaProfilesUnited StatesWriter Suzanne Bates, Executive Coach, Author & Entrepreneur What is your name, age, and location? Suzanne Bates, Boston, MA – United States. What…elenaJanuary 27, 2012
ActivistNorth AmericaProfilesUnited StatesWriter Sally Kohn, 30s, Community Organizer & Political Commentator What is your name, age, and location? Sally Kohn, 34, Brooklyn, NY – United States.…madeleineJanuary 19, 2012