Quotes Quotes: Alice Walker The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have…elenaOctober 5, 2011
EntrepreneurInvestorNorth AmericaProfilesUnited States Elizabeth Crowell, 40s, Entrepreneur & Angel Investor What is your name, age, and location? Elizabeth Crowell, 40, Brooklyn, NY. What is your…elenaSeptember 30, 2011
Quotes Quotes: Helen Keller Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experiences of trial and suffering…elenaSeptember 27, 2011
EntrepreneurEuropeProfilesTech EntrepreneurThe Netherlands Emily Jacometti, 20s, Tech Entrepreneur What is your name, age, and location? Emily Jacometti, 28 years old, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.…elenaSeptember 23, 2011
Quotes Quotes: Eleanor Roosevelt You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to…elenaSeptember 22, 2011
EngineerEuropeProfilesThe Netherlands Karin Sluis, 40s, Civil Engineer What is your name, age, and location? My name is Karin Sluis, I'm 46 years…elenaSeptember 17, 2011
CEOEntrepreneurNorth AmericaProfilesTech EntrepreneurUnited States Carla Thompson, 30s, Tech Entrepreneur What is your name, age, and location? Carla Thompson, 39, Austin TX – United States.…elenaSeptember 9, 2011
Quotes Quotes: Indira Gandhi My grandfather once told me that there were two kinds of people: those who do…elenaSeptember 6, 2011
AcademiaFilmmakerNorth AmericaProfilesTeacherUnited States Kelly Anderson, 40s, Documentary Filmmaker & Professor What is your name, age, and location? Kelly Anderson, 46, Brooklyn, NY, United States. What…elenaSeptember 1, 2011