The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.
– Alice Walker
(b. 1944) American writer, author of “The Color Purple” for which she won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction.
N.B.: I found this quote at the beginning of the trailer for the documentary “Miss Representation” – I heartily recommend you watch it (link here)
Sadly, I recently showed “Miss Representation” to
a 15 year-old girl I am tutoring. She
sat quietly through the documentary and at the end told me that, “Women and
girls are not objectified” and that her favorite movies and television
programs are the ones discussed in the film. Of course we discussed her
comments and they’ve been plaguing me since last week. Her statement made me
even more convinced that girls need the concept of Chica Peeps early, in small
doses, so they begin to appreciate what they have, and learn to count on each
other for a lifetime of change, growth and…friendship.
Girls can’t be what they can’t see – please share your